Micah Woods: the official site
Micah Woods: the official site
Potato Chips
What's going on here?
Longtime readers of this site will have noticed a new design introduced this month. What’s this all about? I wanted to move the blog to a static platform, and I chose the Wowchemy on Hugo.
Last updated on 2021-05-09
3 min read
The Narrow Road to the Slightly North
I took a long train ride across 6 degrees of latitude. Bangkok is about 13 degrees north, so I’ll call this a narrow road to the slightly north. When I got to Bangkok, I went straight to the snack aisle.
Micah Woods
1 min read
I wasn't expecting that
You’ve seen, perhaps, the Devil barbecue potato chip in Thailand. I’d had the one in the silver packaging. There’s also a Devil flavor in a red bag. “Let me try this one too,” I thought the other day.
1 min read
So many developments
A lot has happened since my last post about a surprising “Chef’s Signature” flavor. That includes my purchase and careful happy hour tasting session of a Devil barbecue chip, retasting the signature salted egg and trying a new signature roasted chili flavor.
Micah Woods
2 min read
A map, an intriguing new flavor, and a boat ride
I made this map to show some of the places I’ve traveled to over the past few years. This is a test to see if it displays here. In other news, when I arrived in Thailand on a recent trip, I found this new flavor of Lay’s potato chip.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Two Snacks: One Dolorous, One Resplendent
If anything in the snack aisle of 7-11 is going to hurt you, it may be the SHOCK potato chips (crisps) from Lay. I found all the warning labels irresistible and promptly bought a package the first time I came across this new flavor.
2 min read