rturf 7: how I setup panes and theme in RStudio

Before continuing with reading in data and making calculations about green speed and clipping volume, I wanted to show how I set up RStudio on my computer, because I make a few customizations to how it looks after a fresh install.

  1. I go to Tools --> Global Options --> Appearance and set the Editor theme to Solarized Dark. I have used this theme for the past five years or so and I prefer this dark theme to one with a white background. It might be easier on my eyes. If I happen to be in a really bright room or outdoors, on my computer I’ll generally switch to Solarized Light.

  2. I go to Tools --> Global Options --> Pane Layout and set the Console tab to be at top right and the History tab to be at bottom left, and I let the Environment tab go to the bottom right pane. I rarely look at the History tab, so I can minimize the entire bottom left pane, giving more space to the Source pane which is where I’ll be typing or looking most frequently.

This screencast shows how I do that, as I take a new RStudio Cloud instance and set up the theme and the pane configuration the way I have it on my usual computer.
