Micah Woods: the official site
Micah Woods: the official site
Take Your Golf Clubs to a Salubrious Place
If you golf, do you try to take your clubs to a salubrious place at least once a year? You should. I recently brought my clubs to Mauritius, and I like to think that they enjoyed their visit to this island republic, especially their trip by boat to the spectacular Le Touessrok Golf Course on Ile aux Cerfs, part of the Le Touessrok Resort.
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The Slimming Effect of Vertical Stripes?
An astute reader has questioned the veracity of my claims about the Sam Khok diet. In particular, she wondered if my slender appearance was somehow enhanced by the vertical stripes of my shirt.
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Camels & Skiing at Dubai
I was at Dubai this week and met lots of friendly camels in the desert near the Al Ruwaya golf course at The Tiger Woods Dubai. The temperatures were well above 40 degrees (more than 110 F), but I continued my regular program of healthy diet and exercise, supplementing my weight management program with a bit of sweat as I spent two days in the desert.
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Exercise and the Sam Khok Diet
The Sam Khok diet will be most effective if practiced in conjunction with a rigorous program of exercise. I find the clement Thailand winters to be ideal for piscine exercises.
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Can I Eat Rice Krispies Treats on the Sam Khok Diet?
A qualified yes. Just make sure you add crispy fried basil and a substantial portion of red peppers. My general rule of thumb is one part red peppers to four parts crispy rice.
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Can I Eat Eggs on the Sam Khok Diet?
I have been asked about eggs and the Sam Khok diet; can I eat eggs when on this diet? Yes, a resounding yes to that, as long as they are duck eggs, and in particular I recommend the salted duck eggs shown above.
Micah Woods
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May Golf Report
I played golf this month at Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, and Indonesia, going undefeated in all matches and winning a huge match at Sunrise Golf Club with a clutch birdie on the final hole.
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Marukatayawan Palace
Poignant, isn’t it, a young man dancing in a palace ballroom with his invisible princess? This is the Marukatayawan Palace at เพชรบุรี (Phetchaburi) province to the southwest of Bangkok. Now a museum, the palace faces the Gulf of Thailand and is visually stunning, expansive, balustraded, and deliciously open to the fresh sea breezes.
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Speak No Evil
I was at Japan this week for work at Hyogo-ken and meetings at Tokyo. In my life I naturally follow the maxim of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,” but I did not realize the the three wise monkeys, or sanzaru, from which this saying was drawn are from this 17th century carving at the Toshogu shrine at Nikko.
1 min read
Sam Khok Diet: Before & After
When I was younger, I was, by all accounts, a large child, with multiple chins, small muscles, and a weakness for sweet foods. At my heaviest, so prominent were my double and triple chins that I appeared to be without a neck.
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