Mango season

The fruit vendor at the market has five varieties of mango this time of year. Yesterday at the grocery store there were seven varieties on sale. My neighbor’s mango tree is an early one; it flowered in December, I’ve watched from the balcony as the the fruits grew, and I saw them all get picked over the past two weeks.

So it was no surprise to see mango flavors on special at the ice cream shop.

This was a green mango sorbet with fish sauce, dried shrimp, and fried onion.

From the restaurant website, this mango namplawan sundae is “green mango sorbet ice cream with namprawan (Thai style sweet and spicy fruit dipping sauce), fried red onion and crispy shrimp.”

I’d call it sweet, savory, a little sour, a little spicy. And a lot of fun to eat.

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